Charity & Non-Profit Partners
We are so excited to be partnering with Gem Legacy, a jewellery industry charity! Gem Legacy is fulfilling the dream that every coloured gemstone mined in East Africa leaves an exponential legacy. Here’s a few success stories and we are excited to be part of the future successes with you!
- taught 2 gemmological trainings in Malawi for 175 miners and dealers
- sent 17 Malawian orphans back to school
- provided 28 Kenyan orphans with new beds and mattresses
- provided 5 new faceting machines (and counting!) to a Tanzanian Gem Faceting School who takes in students off the street
- provided a compressor (to allow use of power tools and oxygen to the end of the mine) to an all-female, all widowed group of miners
#gemlegacy #gems #gemstones #preciousgems #africa #mining #education #dogood #charity #philanthropy #change #love #minerals #coloredgems #givingback #jewelry #coloredgems #gemsdogood