Crystals for Grief and Loss
Grief is a process. We all know that. We know about the five stages of grieving; we know that there is no "time limit" for how long grief will last. We all know these things, but I'm here to tell you that when that terrible time comes and you have to say goodbye to somebody you love, knowing all about grief doesn't mean shit!
It doesn't make it hurt less. It doesn't make it go away faster. It certainly doesn't mean you get a fast pass to skip the queue and race your way to the end of the five stages.
Grief is raw, gritty, confusing, and complex. It is as unavoidable as death itself. Let me tell you, from personal experience. I have lost someone fast. Up in the morning and gone by lunchtime. And, more recently, I have lost someone slowly. An epic David vs. Goliath battle that raged on for a decade. And guess what I learned? Neither way is easier, they are different, but when it all comes down to it, they both suck just as hard.
So, now that I have accepted that there's no way to expedite grief ( acceptance, that's progress, right?), naturally, I begin to look for ways to soothe my soul. I turn to the things that bring me comfort. My family, my German Shepherd, a long, hot bath with a Netflix show or two, and of course, my crystals.
These are the stones that I am finding myself leaning towards during my grieving period, and I share them with you. There are no links to the online shop here. This is not about selling or website SEO. I don't even have some of these in my stock range. If one person who needs to read this finds some comfort in it. Then that's enough.
1: Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is the soft pink variety of the quartz family of minerals. It is often referred to as the stone of unconditional love. Many will associate rose quartz with love and relationships or for attracting love, but it is also an excellent stone for healing a broken heart and dealing with the loss of a relationship. Grief manifests itself in many ways and for many reasons, not just in the death of a loved one. For many, the grief of a broken relationship can rival the grief felt when a loved one passes.
The kind, compassionate energy of rose quartz is welcome in times of emotional turmoil. During these times, we can use a reminder to be kind to ourselves and each other and show compassion and empathy in all that we do.
2: Apache Tear
Apache Tear is a variety of obsidian, a natural glass formed when the extreme heat of molten lava cools quickly enough to create the non-crystalline glass.
The mythology behind Apache Tear is an interesting story, albeit a tragic one. It is said that the members of the Apache Indian tribe chose to jump to their deaths rather than to surrender and be captured by US cavalry. The women of the tribe, shattered with grief, cried a river of tears for their dead, and when their tears landed on the ground, they turned to stone.
It is said that Apache tear is a stone of emotional release and healing, allowing one to come to the point of acceptance and forgiveness.
3: Ruby in Zoisite
Ruby in Zoisite is a combination of Ruby and black hornblende minerals combined in a Zoisite matrix. Found almost exclusively in Tanzania, it is a powerhouse stone combining the Ruby and the Zoisite properties in one stone. It sometimes goes by the name Anyolite.
Ruby in Zoisite is said to be a good stone for grounding your emotions and providing a source of courage and strength. It is often referred to as a stone of transmutation. It is said to be able to transform negative emotions into positive ones. During the grieving process, Ruby in Zoisite allows you to feel the grief and move through its stages, all the while supporting your spirit as it slowly heals from the loss.
4: Larimar
Larimar is a sodium calcium silicate mineral from the pectolite family, usually only found in grey or white tones. The calcium in Larimar gives it a gentle blue hue that reminds us of a tranquil, tropical ocean. It is relatively rare since it can only be found in one location in the Dominican Republic.
Sometimes referred to as the therapy stone, Larimar allows us to find tranquillity when we struggle to calm our emotions or deal with a loss. Sometimes it can be challenging to communicate how a loss has affected us, and Larimar helps us to do just that.
I have always felt deeply connected to the ocean. Whenever I have suffered a traumatic event, death, or loss of some kind, I find tremendous comfort in standing at the water's edge and feeling the power of nature at its most awe-inspiring. With travel restricted to a measly 5 kilometers from my home ( thanks, Corona!) I find myself drawn to my Larimar instead.
5: Angelite
Angelite is a variety of anhydrite (calcium sulphate) and is commonly found in Peru, Mexico, Libya, Egypt, Germany, and Poland. Angelite is frequently thought to be a variety of the mineral celestite but is, in fact, of entirely different chemical composition.
Often referred to as the stone of Angelic communication and the stone of awareness, Angelite is said to enhance telepathic or psychic abilities and to allow one to heighten their perception.
This stone's peaceful yet powerful energy is said to harness the infinite power of the universe while instilling a deep sense of peace and tranquillity. It is believed that if one is drawn to Angelite, it is a sign of the Angels wanting to communicate with them. Angelite is said to help one become more compassionate and accepting.
Personally, I find Angelite to be particularly comforting. There is something nice about feeling close to the Angels when dealing with the loss of a loved one.
Other crystals are helpful to those who are grieving; however, these are the five that have personally brought me comfort over the last couple of months. If you are struggling with grief or a traumatic loss, please remember there is help available to you. Whether it be grief counselling through your local community health service, a grief and loss support group in your local area, talking it out with a close friend or family member, or just taking some time for your own self-care, there are no rules for grief and how you should be dealing with it. It is a profoundly personal experience for us all. If you are grieving as you read this, I hope it has brought you some comfort as it has done for me to write it.